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Category: Dungeon Crawler

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Vaporum, a steampunk dungeon crawler could see a Linux release

By Liam Dawe,
Vaporum, a rather intense looking steampunk dungeon crawler could see a Linux release, depending on how it does at release.

Tangledeep is a very sweet dungeon crawler that's now in Early Access, I love it

By Liam Dawe,
Tangledeep is a colourful and cute dungeon crawler that has just released into Early Access today and it's really rather good.

Tangledeep, a great looking turn-based roguelike RPG arrives with Linux support next week

By Liam Dawe,
Tangledeep, a dungeon crawler inspired by classic 16-bit RPGs has been announced as having a release next week and it will include Linux support.

Crypt of the NecroDancer: AMPLIFIED grooves its way out of Early Access

The DLC for the rhytmic dungeon crawler has released from Early Access after a few months of tweaking. You can expect plenty of new content in this prequel to the main game.

Dungeon Kingdom: Sign of the Moon, a real-time dungeon crawling RPG has a Linux version

By Liam Dawe,
Turns out we completely missed the Linux version of Dungeon Kingdom: Sign of the Moon! This real-time dungeon crawling RPG added a Linux version at the end of 2015.

Darkest Dungeon: The Crimson Court is now available

The expansion for the dark dungeon crawler has come out of the shadows. Expect a variety of new blood-sucking monsters and other horrors to be front and center.

StarCrawlers, a gritty spacepunk dungeon crawler has released and it's looking good

By Liam Dawe,
StarCrawlers is a game I covered quite some time ago back in March of 2015, years later it's now released in full. It's a fresh take on the 3D dungeon crawlers set in a spacepunk themed universe.

Darkest Dungeon’s expansion, The Crimson Court, set to release June 19th

The very brutal and fun dungeon crawler will get its first expansion quite soon. Thematically about vampires and their damned ilk, there will be plenty of new content and enemies that can tear you to pieces.

Local multiplayer dungeon crawler 'Crawl' leaves Early Access

By Liam Dawe,
Crawl is a local multiplayer dungeon crawler, where your friends can control the monsters and it's actually pretty good.

Enter the Gungeon gets loads of new content in its latest update

The very shooty and fast-paced dungeon crawler has gotten a free update called “Supply Drop”. It adds plenty of new guns, rooms and other things for players to find in their playthroughs.

2D Tactical RPG 'Dungeon Rushers' is a game you may want to give a look at, demo available

By -Daniel-Palacio-,
This dungeon crawler was fully released two months ago, on September 6th. Strangely, despite the fact that there is a demo available at IndieDB, the developers didn’t include it on the Steam store page, which would have made more sense.

Siralim 2, a monster catching RPG is now on Linux & SteamOS with its latest release

By Liam Dawe,
The developer of the Siralim games has announced that Siralim 2 is now available on Linux & SteamOS via Steam.

Dungeon Rushers, a 2D tactical RPG and dungeon crawler now on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Dungeon Rushers is a game I tested for the developer a while ago when they posted it to reddit, so they sent along a key to check out properly now it's out for Linux.

Heroes of Loot 2, an arcade style dungeon crawler released with Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
I'm going to be honest, I was not a fan of the original Heroes of Loot as I foundnd it too repetitive, bland and easy. Heroes of Loot 2 thankfully has improved pretty much everything.

Heroes of Loot 2 dungeon crawler released in Early Access with Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
Heroes of Loot 2 from Orangepixel has released today in Steam's Early Access section. I wasn't a fan of the original, but it looks like the developer may have been able to hook my interest this time around.

Darkest Dungeon has two Linux beta updates, still issues to be worked out

By Liam Dawe,
Darkest Dungeon has had two Linux beta updates since the recent release, and it looks like most of the major bugs are out of the way.

A chat with the developer of Quest of Dungeons about their Linux sales

By Liam Dawe,
I asked on twitter for developers to get in touch about their games, and first up is Quest of Dungeons from Upfall Studios. A turn based dungeon crawler game featuring a good old 16-bit retro artistic look.

Gothic RPG roguelike Darkest Dungeon coming soon to Linux

By scaine,
Having released for Windows and Mac on the 19th January, Redhook studios have now confirmed in their latest announcement that their Gothic roguelike RPG "Darkest Dungeon" will be coming to Linux next as a short-term goal.

Dungeon Souls, a cool mix of action, roguelike & a dungeon crawler on SteamOS & Linux

By Liam Dawe,
I never noticed Dungeon Souls getting a Linux version, so it must be another case of it not showing up in the new SteamOS & Linux games list if the Linux version was added later.

XLarn, an expanded version of a roguelike classic, is available on Linux

Another updated version of an old roguelike was released for Linux earlier this month. Players can expect to fight monsters, explore and have all the traditional trappings of dungeon crawlers.
Showing 180 to 200 of 205 entries found.